Friday, February 20, 2009


This week has been very intense. We have been running around touring and also having a countless amount of ice breakers. It has been interesting getting to know everyone and why they are here on this program. A lot of people are using this program as a test to see if they want to move to Israel in July. Others are here because they are using this to help them figure out what they want in life, others because they had no idea what else to do, others because their boyfriend's live here, other's because they feel tied to Israel, other's for career purposes. 

I haven't had any alone time since I arrived so that been a bit emotionally taxing. I cannot wait for tomorrow when we move to the apartments in Tel Aviv and I can begin my life here. On Monday we are beginning our Hebrew courses. A lot of people here already know at least a little Hebrew. I have already made a promise to myself that no matter how tired I am, or no matter how much I DONT want to to study, I will discipline myself to study and practice all the time.

One of the Career Israel participants studies the psychology of the people living in areas of conflict, such as Israel/Palestine. He is working with a researcher named Daniel Bartol (I am not sure if this is how his name is spelled. I'll have to check). I have already asked Alex to get coffee to we can talk about it more. From the few conversations we have already had, he sounds like a wealth of knowledge. The other night we had a Palestinian speaker come to speak to us about the Palestine side of the conflict. Some of the people in our room argued with him and I thought some of their points were valid, other points I thought were very biased and closed minded. I can already tell that learning about this conflict will be an internal struggle between my heritage, facts I wished were in the public, and facts I'd rather not know but must face.

On a lighter note, we went out to a bar 2 nights ago and sang Karaoke! I sang (with a partner of course) "I will Survive" and "Livin' on a Prayer" and "Umbrella".  It was intense and fabulous.

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