Saturday, April 18, 2009

i played soccer

last night we had a beautiful shabbat dinner on the roof with about 20 other people from the program. the food was amazing, i think i probably ate a whole loaf of challah, and it was good company. i fell asleep around 2:30am per usual, woke up and started the day.

Talia, Adam, Mike, and I decided that we wanted to play soccer. I am pretty sure I haven't played soccer since I was 5 (where I faked an injury most of the time so I wouldnt have to play). Outside our apartment building is a basketball/soccer court. We got to the court and there was a group of Israeli kids hanging out getting ready to play, so they invited us to join their game. Talia and I pretty much looked like the most uncoordinated beings on this court, however I somehow scored 2 goals. I think one goal all of the guys cleared out of my way, but the other goal I actually stole the ball from somewhere and scored. I'm still not sure how this happened, because I think I blacked out once I got the ball.

A handful of the Israelis we were playing with were only about 12 years old haha. It felt SO satisfying to be playing soccer with Israelis. It was exactly what I needed because I woke up this morning thinking about how much I didn't want to just lay out in the sun and I needed to do something that felt productive or do something that was a new experience. The kids said they play every Saturday at 1pm so I think we are going to try and go every week. I'm playing sports? whhhhaaat?

1 comment:

  1. HAHA Sara: "I think I blacked out once I got the ball." Totally know the feeling.
