Sunday, June 28, 2009

night out/broken computer

last night the girls and i went dancing at galina. it was a great night per usual and i was in the mood for drinks and a late night out. one of my favorite feelings is being in a bar, having a song come on you love, dancing with girlfriends and moving your body to every single beat that sounds and getting lost in the moment in the dark room when the strobe light is going on and off throughout the club. im adding that to my list of things that make me happy. its such a release.

here are some pictures....oh and we also saw bar rafeli there for the 3rd time. i think she goes there almost every night.

i came home around 4am and decided it would be a good time to update my computer with system updates (real bright of me). i ended up turning my computer off midway through because i wanted to go to sleep and it was taking forever. anyway, long story short my computer is now broken and can't be fixed until i get back to the states and use my installation cds to reboot everything. i feel lost without the technology but maybe it will be another freeing experience. i am on zo's computer now but if i dont update for a few days this is why.

thats it! tonight the girls and i are going for MEXICAN food. we are travelling to florentine for this goodness and supposedly the people who run it are mexican immigrants. im salivating at the thought already.

tomorrow i am volunteering with the babies and then teaching english at night. im still in denial that i have already been here for 4.5 months.

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